[CQ-Contest] Remote Site Contesting Rules - Getting out of hand

Ken Alexander k.alexander at rogers.com
Mon Mar 19 18:45:52 EST 2007

--- "Paul J. Piercey" <p.piercey at nl.rogers.com> wrote:

> My point is that when I make contact with a station,
> even in a contest, it's
> the operator that I am working, not the equipment.
> Isn't it the operator who
> is licenced; not the equipment? When you call
> someone on the phone, it is
> ultimately the person on the other end that matters,
> not the myriad of
> switching equipment and relays that the signal has
> gone through to get there
> and where that is located. When I send an e-mail to
> my neighbour on another
> ISP, it goes through the network to Montreal and
> back. Should I consider him
> to be in Montreal?

Sorry, no sale Paul.  If I had a ham friend in KH6 who
let me operate his station remotely in the next CQWW
you'd have to turn your antenna towards Hawaii, you'd
have to wait until propagation favours Hawaii from
your QTH, and you'd have to pick the band(s) that
would favour propagation to Hawaii.  At the end of the
contest, if you'd worked me you would have worked KH6,
not VE3.


Ken Alexander, VE3HLS
(who hopes to operate live from VO1 some day!)

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