[CQ-Contest] Remote Operations in Contest - A brand new service for contesters

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Fri Mar 23 03:21:47 EST 2007

Some Eastern Eu software writer friends and I have been following this 
thread with great interest.  After some preliminary false starts we now 
have some Beta software ready for distribution which will enable anyone 
to beat a remote op station.

We offer three levels of service:  In each case you will have to tell us 
the call sign of the remote op station.

1)  (the cheapest)

We hack their internet connection and disrupt things just enough to 
lower their score by the percent you want.  The greater percent the 
higher the cost.

2)  (This'll cost you)

We hack their connection and transfer control of the station to you. 
You operate it using your call and our remote control software on your 

3)  (This is for the really confused folks who seem to need to watch 
football games during a contest.  It will be very expensive)

We hack their connection and change their message buttons to transmit 
your call instead of theirs.  Any monitoring system they have will be 
spoofed to make it seem to them that their call is being sent.  We 
monitor the proceedings and send you the Cabrillo file at the end.  We 
also monitor the net for their Cabrillo submission.  Each time they try 
to send it we delete it and send a message appearing to be from the 
contest log robot saying something like, "Remote operation in this 
contest is not permitted."

You get the chance to brag on 3830 that you watched 3 games plus 4 DVD's 
of previous games, drank 2 cases of beer, and still got a spot in the 
top ten box.  Priceless!

Obviously, for items 2 and 3, the better the remote station the more 
expensive our service will be.

We expect to be fully operational in time for the Poisson d'Avril.

Don't delay to sign up.  The best stations are snapped up very quickly.

Here's to the advancement of technology (and the making of a few bucks)

73,	Jim Smith	VE7FO

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