[CQ-Contest] A call to action
Rex Maner
k7qq at netzero.net
Tue Mar 27 07:58:13 EST 2007
Quack Note
I just for kicks did some Google and found a Russian CW decod program
called CW Get and it really didn't do too bad of a job copying , however
with QRM/QRN it did miss quiet a bit and the code must be almost perfect in
order to get copy that is readable.
Not a bad program for what little I did playing around with it but never
replace the Ear for tough copy situations.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Zack" <k7acz at cox.net>
To: "Trent and Lorraine Sampson" <vk4ti at sampson.net.au>; "CQ Contest"
<CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A call to action
>I don't know. CW decoders just don't work well as a set of ears. From my
> understanding you must be right on freq and have a very good s/n ratio.
> If
> you are calling on the DX's freq and someone sends UP UP slightly off his
> freq you won't decode it. And if the DX is working simplex the decoder
> won't decode because of all the different signals coming thru but your
> ears
> can easily distinguish the DX's signal from all the rest. If you are
> right
> on the DX's freq the decoder may decode his call and who he is coming back
> to but if he is sending 9M6SDX EU it may not decode the did/dit dit dah to
> let you know he wants Europe only, etc. I believe you still need to learn
> CW. What if the DX asks your name or QTH? Will you know what he is
> asking?
> Will you be able to send the info back to him?
> I think it is just having the incentive to learn. For me, I had to learn
> CW
> at 10 WPM to complete my AT (Aviation Electronics Tech) school and then
> later I had to pass 18 WPM before a RMC (Chief Radio Operator) at the USCG
> Radio Station NMC to be able to be promoted. As a young AT3 (Aviation
> Tech
> 3rd Class) just out of tech school I didn't enjoy washing C-130's with a
> big
> long brush and flying in the old noisy HU16E amphips. I wanted to get 2nd
> Class as soon as I could and get out of washing planes and into flying in
> the C-130's all over the world, including all the rare LORAN stations on
> rare islands out in the Pacific. Now that was incentive! It helped that
> I
> learned CW and got my ham license while in High School.
> Having the newbies watch a CW operation at work may give them the
> incentive
> to learn so they can join the fun.
> ______________________________________
> Alan Zack
> Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
> Official USCG Auxiliary Comm Station
> Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
> Delta Rocket Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
> Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
> U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
> Every hour, Every day, Around the Clock and Around the World
> http://gocoastguard.com
> http://www.uscgradio.net
> http://www.comm-one.org
> http://patriotfiles.org/CoastiesRule.htm
> http://images.military.com/Video/050617_CGClip.wmv
> http://images.military.com/Video/051007_CoastGuard.wmv
> http://www.quarters-one.com/lipsBill.html
> http://www.quarters-one.com/lipsOldSchoolRecruiting.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Trent and Lorraine Sampson" <vk4ti at sampson.net.au>
> To: "Jim George" <n3bb at mindspring.com>; "Ethan Miller K8GU"
> <ethan at k8gu.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 1:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A call to action
>> With the great numbers of newbie's who are non Morse /CW operators is
>> the need out there for very advanced CW decoder programmes "to keep the
>> dream alive" . I know Writelog has a pretty good decoder but are there
>> better ones (freebies) I could direct local new licensees to try out ??
>> At least this way they are on air using CW..
>> Our intra VK field day was on two weeks ago and I operated portable
>> using a Fire tower as the antenna mast,
>> http://ljcap.blogspot.com/search/label/vk4ti we setup multi multi used
>> dipoles and logbooks and ended up with three very enthusiastic newcomers
>> to contesting who now want to build filters amp auto changeover systems
>> etc to get really serious before these sunspots start.
>> Yes Contesting can be contagious. but the chance of these guys learning
>> CW I am afraid is not very high.
>> Thanks to those who heard our 20M long path 100w to the delta loop.NQ4I
>> et al..
>> Regards
>> Trent
>> Trent and Lorraine Sampson
>> | PO Box 1647 | Toowoomba QLD | 4350| Mobile 0408 497550
>> Ham Radio Call Sign : VK4TI
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim George
>> Sent: Tuesday, 27 March 2007 2:58 AM
>> To: Ethan Miller K8GU; cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A call to action
>> This is a really great analogy by K8GU. The hypothesis in The Tipping
>> Point is a terrific way to think logically about getting the magic of
>> radio contesting out to more people.
>> Jim N3BB
>> At 10:46 AM 3/26/2007 -0400, Ethan Miller K8GU wrote:
>>>There's a book called "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell that was
>>>very popular a couple of years ago, especially in business/marketing
>>>circles. The basic premise of the book is that epidemics (whether they
>>>be viral, consumer, or otherwise) occur due to: 1. a relatively small
>>>number of influential people, 2. something called "stickiness", and 3.
>>>the context (environment). I'm not doing the book justice...so, you
>>>really should read it...
>>>Who started you in contesting? Chances are it's someone that Gladwell
>>>would call a "salesman", someone who is undeniably passionate about
>>>contesting and conveys it well to others.
>>>Think about how many of today's contesters "grew up" in contesting:
>>>they were a part of vibrant multi-op efforts at stations belonging to
>>>individuals (eg K2GL, K4VX(/0), ...) and at club stations at large
>>>universities (eg W9YT, W1MX, W6YX, ...). These hosts are what Gladwell
>>>calls "connectors"...they (want to) know everybody. The environment
>>>has changed over the years...the contest club now supplants this
>>>system. Does your club have connectors?
>>>Many of us are what Gladwell refers to as "mavens." Mavens strive to
>>>be experts and amass knowledge and skills regarding contesting. The
>>>trick, of course, is selling someone on contesting and connecting them
>>>with the knowledge.
>>>Contesting is "sticky" by nature. I believe it was N9RV who answered
>>>the question "When is a new contester hooked?" saying, "When he first
>>>tastes a run." It's interactive...you call, they respond. And, long
>>>time-constant stickiness comes in the form of reported results. (This
>>>is why, although I suppose a business necessity, the death of QST line
>>>scores was/is such a big deal.) But, we must connect new contesters
>>>with the kind of contesting that is sticky.
>>>Finally, the context is important. This is what the thread has mostly
>>>been about: are we accessible? We have to realize that sometime in
>>>the past decade, the Internet replaced print as the predominant medium
>>>from which people got their information about ham radio. I think that
>>>the "New to contesting?" button would make a great addition to our
>>>individual web sites, especially if we can agree on a format (our
>>>"brand") and the tutorial to be hosted (preferably on contesting.com).
>>>The point of what I've written is to encourage each of us to recognize
>>>and exploit our own strengths as salesmen, mavens, and connectors. We
>>>can't make people who aren't interested in contesting become magically
>>>interested. But, in spite of the (now silent) whining about the code,
>>>I think it's safe to say most new hams are still getting into the hobby
>>>to learn about something new...
>>>Contesting is all about selling your product (QSOs)...we should be good
>>>at this!
>>>--Ethan, K8GU/9.
>>>-- K8GU - Urbana, IL - www.k8gu.com --
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