[CQ-Contest] Call for QRP Contesters

Mark Steven Williams k9gx at n4gn.com
Wed Mar 28 01:11:57 EST 2007

Fellow contesters,


Due to the unfortunate and untimely crash of my PC's hard drive I am going
to revise the topic for the WorldRadio "Contest Corner" column for June.
I've received several requests and suggestions to do column on QRP
contesting. So, here's your shot.


I'd like to hear from those valiant souls who venture forth onto the bands
during contest weekends running <5 watts. I'd like to hear about your
technique, operating tips, interesting/fun operating experiences, short
summaries about your rigs and antennas, and most importantly, why do you do
it (operate QRP contests, that is).


The only catch is my deadline is 1 April and Nancy, our editor, is a task
mistress who will DQ me (not talking Dairy Queen here) if I don't submit on


So, if you have a few minutes to sit down at the keyboard and explain
yourself and if you have a decent digital photo of yourself let me know
about it and I'll make arrangements with you to send those to me as well.


BTW, if you're wondering I'm using my laptop right now.the PC (with my
entire DX4WIN logs) is in intensive care.


Replies, direct to me at wrcontest at n4gn.com 


Thanks and 73,


Mark S.Williams

WorldRadio Contest Corner Editor


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