Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Mar 28 12:34:10 EST 2007

I applaud Tom, KC1J's prompt response to the question about the TS-480 Remote Control Panel in a remote contesting venue.  Tnx, Tom!

Paul, VO1HE, wrote:

> If someone on Earth is remotely controlling the Mars Landers in a contest,
> then it should not be valid. If it is under Martian control, then the
> operator should be in the same quadrant.

That's pretty funny, and a well crafted Word Picture for *your* position in this matter :-)

It dawned on me last night...

It could be very enlightening to put one extra field on the 3830 submittal forms after the current SO2R checkbox:

 Check here if SO2R    Check here if the station was operated by remote control

I emailed Bruce asking him to consider doing this.  

An interesting scenario:

A Contester lives in (US) State A, Grid X, but only 700m from the border with (US) State B, Grid Y.  His current QTH is up against the back of a big hill/mountain.

If the Contester wants to improve his signal by putting a remote station on top of the hill which is only 50 feet "across the border" into the neighboring State & Grid, should he be penalized for not being in the same State & Grid as his home QTH where he will be controlling the station via remote software?  I don't think so.  The "Station", of course, would be consider to be in State B & Grid Y.


Rick, K6VVA

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