[CQ-Contest] Counting DC as a Multiplier and Not as Part of Maryland.

John Geiger n5ten at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 11:12:00 EDT 2007

Hi Eric,

I have to agree with you on this one.  DC isn't part
of Maryland, so it shouldn't count as such. 
Precedence has been set for this, as DC counts for a
separate mult in the ARRL 10 meter contest, and it
might in the ARRL DX contest, I can't remember on that
one.  We are always looking for ways to create new
DXCC entities, this would be a good way to create a
new mult.

In addition, any DC QSOs should not count towards the
WAS award.  It isn't part of Maryland, so why get
credit for working a state you didn't work.  PR
doesn't count towards FL for the WAS, it counts
towards nothing for the WAS award, and DC should have
the same status.

But lets hope for the Sweepstakes that the ARRL
doesn't choose to break up VE8, VY1, and VY0 into
separate mults, as a sweep would become very tough.

73s John W5TD
--- Eric Rosenberg <wd3q at starpower.net> wrote:

> Dear Fellow Contesters,
> As I'm sure you well know, the North American QSO
> Party considers the
> District of Columbia as part of Maryland, not as an
> independent entity,
> and therefore not as a unique multiplier.  This
> despite the fact that
> the District, while not a State, is self governed,
> its residents pay
> federal and local taxes, vote in federal
> (presidential) elections, and
> send a Delegate to the House of Representatives.
> In past years, we residents of the District of
> Columbia have argued that
> DC should qualify as a separate multiplier,
> equivalent to a state. The
> NCJ contest managers have consistently rebuffed that
> argument.
> A closer reading of the NAQP rule describing
> multipliers (item #11)
> leads us to believe that our justification for a
> separate multiplier
> based on statehood may have been misguided. So what
> if we're not a
> state!  We do appear to qualify under the clause
> "and other North
> American countries," as per the rule:
>    "Multipliers: Are U.S. states (including KH6 and
> KL7), 13 Canadian
> provinces/territories (British Columbia, Alberta,
>    Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New
> Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
> PEI, Newfoundland/Labrador, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut)
> and
>    other North American countries. District of
> Columbia counts as
> Maryland. Non-North American countries, maritime
> mobiles and
>    aeronautical mobiles do not count as multipliers,
> but may be worked
> for QSO credit."
> Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are both
> unincorporated
> territories of the United States, whose tax-paying
> residents are not
> permitted to vote in federal (i.e., presidential)
> elections, yet send an
> elected representative (a Resident Commissioner and
> Delegate,
> respectively) to the US House of Representatives. 
> Guam and American
> Samoa are also US territories whose tax-paying
> residents send Delegates
> to the Congress.
> What we are *not* is part of Maryland! We do not
> live in, pay taxes in
> or vote in Maryland.  If the contesting community
> wants more greater
> participation, the NAQPs are especially well suited
> for the role -
> short, sweet and simple to do.
> Make DC a multiplier and sure, more will jump in and
> give it a go!
> Thoughts? Comments?
> Now is the time for justice to be served by NCJ
> contest managers moving
> in a positive direction to right this wrong!
> 73,
> Eric W3DQ
> Washington, DC
> "taxation, but no multiplier representation"
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