[CQ-Contest] Counting DC as a Multiplier and Not asPartofMaryland.

Steve Hanlon asciibaron at comcast.net
Tue May 22 17:00:36 EDT 2007

David Gilbert wrote:
> The author of the post I was replying to used the argument that DC 
> should be a multiplier because otherwise Eric and other DC hams didn't 
> have much incentive to enter the contest if they had to compete against 
> the larger Maryland stations.
they are competing against stations in a different state.  in my mind 
it's no different than stations in Delaware having to compete against 
stations in Pennsylvania or Oregon - it's as arbitrary.  the biggest 
stations in DC are very limited in antenna space - only those that are 
on a few office buildings or a Smithsonian have much room to work with - 
why operate if you have to compete with Formula 1 cars and you can only 
go fast and turn left?

-Steve, WM3O

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