[CQ-Contest] SS Reminders

Ken Adams K5KA k5ka at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 1 10:10:43 EST 2007

The Daylight Savings Time change occurs Saturday night.  If you use UTC 
on your PC you should be fine.  If you use some Windows offset you might 
want to check it right after the change occurs.

Double check your section abbreviation file.  NT is not North Texas.

The log submission deadline is 30 days so you might want to put a 
reminder on your calendar.  It will be strictly enforced and any log 
received after the deadline will be classified as a check log.

If you know someone who is still using paper logs and they have access 
to a computer please inform them of the available FREE software at:
http://www.k1ea.com/  for DOS or Windows
http://www.n1mm.com/  for Windows

If they still use paper, there is a great tool available for post 
contest data entry at http://www.b4h.net/cabforms/arrlsscw_cab.php that 
produces a Cabrillo File.
Data entry for paper logs consumes a lot of valuable volunteer time and 
any help we get is very much appreciated.

Operating Ethics:
If you ask someone where a rare section is transmitting (maybe VY1JA?) 
then you are requesting assistance and are no longer in the single 
operator category.
Band conditions change from time to time and 2 of us can end up on the 
same frequency.  Try to work it out like gentlemen.
Be patient with newcomers.  They may be in North Dakota or VE4.

Above all, have fun and enjoy SS !!

73, Ken K5KA
Sweepstakes Contest Manager

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