[CQ-Contest] Noise Canceling Headsets

BobK8IA at aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Sat Nov 3 07:22:20 EST 2007

I would like to hear from those of you that have successfully used  noise 
canceling headsets in a multi-xmtr environment. Especially those of you  that are 
in close proximity to another operating position for ssb  contesting.
I am setting up a small two position M-S/M-2 with my xyl (N7RQ)  where the 
operating positions are about 7 feet apart. This caused some audio  grief in 
last weeks CQWW SSB test, so we'd like to hear what others use. All we  were 
using were the light, but not very isolated, Heil BM-10 headsets. We have  Heil 
Pro-Set here too, but find them uncomfy for real long operating  sessions.
So, what do you folks in the Multi's use that work?
Thanking you all in advance.
73, Bob  K8IA

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