[CQ-Contest] SS Reminders

Steve Harrison k0xp at dandy.net
Sat Nov 3 09:07:52 EST 2007

At 07:48 PM 11/2/2007 -0500, Zack Widup wrote:
>I always assumed "assisted" referred to being assisted by another person 
>outside your station.  If you have fancy equipment like spectrum monitors, 
>Wullenweber arrays, etc. on your site and use them, it's not assisted.
>If you happen to have ESP to the level that you just know where the rare 
>ones are, it isn't assisted. (I'd trade any number of 7800's for that!)

The contest rules generally describe "assisted" as something like the
above; one person (you, the operator) are performing ALL the work with your
equipment to make contacts. The rules generally don't care WHAT equipment
you have (except for power classes, etc.); but only YOU can be the person
utilizing that equipment to make contacts. Since spotting networks have
OTHER people contributing to them, the use of such networks causes all such
users to become "assisted" by the other users.

Steve, K0XP

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