[CQ-Contest] NIL = Not In Log

hank k8dd k8dd at arrl.net
Fri Nov 9 11:18:03 EST 2007

On Nov 9, 2007 9:41 AM, Zack Widup <w9sz at prairienet.org> wrote:

> I have ONE QSO I questioned in my mind because I CQ'ed and heard an answer
> up about 400 Hz. I responded and he came back without sending the callsign
> of who he was working.  The timing was right so I logged it.  But it still
> could've been someone else he was working.
> I suppose the log checking will tell ...
> 73, Zack W9SZ

I had one of them ..... almost.
I'm CQing.  A station a bit off frequency drops his call.  I send a "?" and
he sends his call again, so I hit the insert key, sending his call and my
exchange.  And copy his exchange and hit the TU key - TU SS K8DD.
You can guess who the next station was that I worked - much closer to zero
beat with me!
  it happens!

73    Hank    K8DD


'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their
level then beat you with experience.'      -anon

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