[CQ-Contest] FREE BEER (UK) Heathrow 20 Nov. (update)

Jon Kimball, KL2A kl2a at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 15:58:33 EST 2007

At 01:29 PM 11/10/2007, Jon Kimball KL2A wrote:
>That's right - first one through the door gets a free beer courtesy of
>Heathrow Airport (London)
>20 November (Tues.) from 2pm - 9pm local.
>I'd love to share a meal with fellow contesters at or near the 
>airport, with 4-5 hrs. available.
>Please contact me direct kl2a at yahoo.com
>73 KL2A

So far JK3 and KL2 are meeting at London Heathrow between 3-8pm Nov 
20th... any others?

Where are the UK hams?  Only DX stations responding so far... An OH6 
emailed to say N6ZZ once said we should have a Heathrow Hamvention 
during this time with so many radio ops passing through...

...the week before the most revered contest weekend in radio sporting 
- the CQWW CW.

UPDATE: Many ops responded saying they are through LHR days or just 
hours before I am there.

The stats so far:  K2, OH6, KL7, and a JK3 are all in the airport 
crossing paths just hours or days apart, going somewhere for the 
contest.  OH0, AH2, GJ2, 9K2...

- - - ANY OTHERS going through?


73 KL2A

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