[CQ-Contest] FREE BEER (UK) Heathrow 20 Nov. (update)

g4zfe at g4zfe.com g4zfe at g4zfe.com
Mon Nov 12 04:59:16 EST 2007

At 01:29 PM 11/10/2007, Jon Kimball KL2A wrote:
> That's right - first one through the door gets a free beer courtesy of
> Heathrow Airport (London)
> 20 November (Tues.) from 2pm - 9pm local.
> I'd love to share a meal with fellow contesters at or near the  
> airport, with 4-5 hrs. available.
> Please contact me direct kl2a at yahoo.com
> 73 KL2A
> www.kl2a.com

Hi Jon,

Sorry, I wil just miss you. I am in LHR 18th November flying off to  
9M2 with some more aluminium for the station. Pity as I only live 30  
minutes from the airport.

Enjoy the LHR Hamvention :-)

Good luck in CQWW

73 de Rich, G4ZFE/9M2CNC

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