[CQ-Contest] Shall we argue how many Angels can dance on, the head of a pin?

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Fri Nov 16 09:40:22 EST 2007

On Nov 15, 2007, at 5:11 PM, K0HB wrote:

>>> We have a philosophy of encouraging worthy modes of operation,  
>>> which is
>>> why we give CW contacts 1.5 and 2 points per contact (next year  
>>> all CW
>>> QSO's will be worth 2 points) But we're encouraging CW, not giving a
>>> "head start" to CW Ops so to speak.
>> ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
>> I'm all in favor of encouraging more operators and different modes,
>> but I don't think multiplying scores is a good way to do it. Your
>> policy would indeed encourage CW, but it would also have the  
>> effect of
>> discouraging phone. Is that what you want?
>> IMO, it is better to have separate classes for CW, phone and mixed  
>> and
>> let people enter what ever class they want.
> I agree with Bill on this one.  Amateur Radiosport should be free of
> "social engineering" and scoring schemes which attempt to coerce  
> operators
> into "worthy modes".

	While this may be true, I walked into the party Chairmanship with  
the other system in place. Making a huge change like stripping  
particular Ops of half their score might not go over too well, eh?  
Perhaps other, braver people might like to take that one on.

>>  I won't go over the reasons why Hams should use CW Morse.
>> We all know them.
> I thoroughly enjoy the use of CW Morse, and that's the ONLY reason  
> within
> the context of Radiosport that a participant should use it ---  
> because they
> enjoy it, not because a contest sponsor thinks that the mode needs  
> to be
> subsidized by the point structure.

There are many different rationales - and let's face it - giving more  
points for use of a particular mode is a rationale,  just as having  
all modes score the same  is likewise a rationale.

In the end, we decide on a point scheme, and the CW only Ops compete  
against each other, the mixed modes compete against each other, the  
QRP, the medium power and QRO all compete within their same groups.

-73 de Mike KB3EIA -

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