[CQ-Contest] PAQP Multipliers

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Mon Oct 8 09:00:40 EDT 2007

On Oct 7, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Steve London wrote:

> So, could someone explain to me why the PAQP organizers have chosen  
> the
> following multipliers for in-state participants:
> 71 USA ARRL Sections
> 13 Canadian Entities
> The 13 Canadian entities are not the same as the Canadian sections  
> in SS. Nor
> are they the same as the 13 RAC sections used in other contests. In  
> fact, if you
> are a VY0 in Nunavut, you are totally SOL for the PAQP !

The reason for the difference between our sections and the new RAC  
sections was explained to me as an example:

Imagine if MA, CT NH, VT, RI, and ME were put in to a single section  
called NES.

> http://www.nittany-arc.net/paqsorules.htm . The html rules say "RAC  
> Sections",
> but when you download the PDF file of the rules it says "The  
> Canadian sections
> in use by the PAQSO party are somewhat different than those in use  
> by the RAC at
> this time. They are ... "

Thanks for pointing that out, Steve.  I'll remove the RAC section  
reference from the html rules.

> A little peer pressure, please, to get the PAQP organizers to wise  
> up next year !

	I am afraid that I am irredeemably stupid, Steve. Ask anyone... ;^)

-73 de Mike KB3EIA -

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