[CQ-Contest] 1000 x 2000

py2ny py2ny at arrl.net
Sun Oct 14 13:20:37 EDT 2007

I have good orientation about FT2000 from
our common friend CT1BOH, giving us a
way to K3 better that Yaesu new product.
Anyway, it's almost impossible to have a K3
here... FT2000 is the nearest one hi hi... Do
you know if newest FT2000 units have more
"digging" habilities than the previous one? Is it
possible to have any improvement from those
official homepage firmware upgrades?
My station now is a Field MK-V with INRAD
roofing filter and a complete setup of INRAD
SSB/CW filters...
These are not very intelectual questions, and if
you have any news to this contester brother, 
you can use my personal e-mail...
Thank you all
Vitor PY2NY

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