[CQ-Contest] Online Logging of the Stew Perry Warm-up!

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 17:47:24 EDT 2007

RFSport.com's Online Logger is now beta testing DX-Zone based scoring (which is what the Stew Perry uses)!  As an added bonus, you get online maps and real-time comparisons to other peers/participants.

Would you be interested in being a BETA tester for the "Warmed up Stew"? :)  Join the mailgroup by sending an e-mail to: RFSportLogger-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

NOTE: This is a V-e-r-y low volume list as it is an announce-only newsletter list.  You won't be inundated with email.

Details discussed there.  Only invitations to join going to other lists.

Kind regards,
Ev, W2EV

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