[CQ-Contest] LU9ESD havin troubles to enter USA

Martin Monsalvo, LU5DX lu5dx at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 15:05:06 EDT 2007

It is very sad for me to inform you all that Manu,
LU9ESD was not granted authorization to enter the USA
on his way to 6Y1V.
The US embassy in LU did not issue a VISA for him,
stating that he may want to ilegally stay in the
If there is any of you that can contact the US Embassy
in LU and explain the situation, that would be great.
Manu has booked a ticket to fly tonight to the States.
He's email address is lu9esd at yahoo.com


Martin, LU5DX
LR2F SOAB-A next weekend.

  Martin, LU5DX 

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