[CQ-Contest] Hy Gain Tailtwister

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Wed Oct 31 12:33:42 EST 2007


On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:19:31 EDT, K7LXC at aol.com wrote:

>Au contraire. Back in the  90's or so (maybe further back), Hy-Gain 
>redesigned the brake so that it was  more beveled instead of the squared off original 
>version. It helped but didn't  eliminate the problem. That's also why a popular 
>mod (e.g. DCU-1,  Logikey) is to have the rotator go slightly into the 
>opposite direction  before turning in the desired one. 

------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------

You say "au contraire" but then go on to confirm the problem still

I would be hard pressed to think of another well-known, serious defect
which has been allowed by the manufacturer to exist this long. Shame
on Hy-Gain.

73, Bill W6WRT

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