[CQ-Contest] Yukon will be represented. VY1JA

J. Allen PGI jallen at yknet.ca
Wed Oct 31 22:19:28 EST 2007

Hello guys

The work start has been pushed back.  This means that VY1JA will be in SS CW 
this weekend, on low power and will, propagation favorable, be active from 
contest start to loss of propagation on Saturday and for about the last 
three hours of the contest period on Sunday.  I hope another station will 
fill logs from Saturday night to later Sunday when I return.

The pushing back of the mine work will still mean most likely no VY1JA at 
this station to run SS Phone, unless someone wants to come and operate it. 
Before you think of coming, contact Ken, K6LA or Bruce, N6NT, or read their 
articles, so that you know what you are getting into.

I plan to start with my beam toward the east coast, and if I can find and 
hold a frequency, I will sit until I loose it. The intent is to make it easy 
to find for anyone who looks around.

Good luck to all...


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