[CQ-Contest] printing QSO info directly onto QSLs: hw?

hank k8dd k8dd at arrl.net
Sat Sep 1 15:36:58 EDT 2007

BV Label Management, DXbase and Logger32 all do a good job printing the
whole card or just the information on the card.

There are probably more, but I like BV better - it takes your ADIF file and
you print from that, rather than the logging program, like DXbase or

73     Hank    K8DD

On 9/1/07, kr2q at optonline.net <kr2q at optonline.net> wrote:
> RE:  Printing contest QSO info directly onto QSL cards
> I can print log/qso info on labels till the cows come home....
> But I'd like to print the info directly onto the QSLs.
> Is there some sort of special printer or paper feeder for this?
> I can't imagine printing 1000's via the "10 at a time" method.
> Thanks,
> de Doug KR2Q
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