[CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW 2007 Result W2/NP3D - I just did not get it.

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 14:03:05 EDT 2007

Study your UBN report, especially the scoring summary at the bottom and all will 
be made clear.

Steve, N2IC

Andrei Stchislenok wrote:
> Hello folks:
> With due respect to all.
> I received today September, 2007 CQ Magazine with the Results of CQ WW CW
> 2006 Contest.
> Just for curiosity, I compared two consecutive results on page 103:
> WB2AA result:
> 806,784 points  771 QSO's  95 Zones  289 Countries
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> W2/NP3D result:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 743,808 points  857 QSO's  99 Zones  285 Countries.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> These two stations have the same amount of mults = 384.
> W2/NP3D had 86 more QSO's than WB2AA; but he has almost 63,000 points
> less... (62,976 to be exact)
> Well, I have No problem with that, the (W2/NP3D) result is not that great
> anyway; that difference (62,976 points) just looks weird...
> Same amount of Mults, more QSO's, and less points... But whatever; this is
> not my point.
> My point is here:
> I opened my Writelog for the last year CQ WW CW and checked the numbers of
> what I claimed with what I found in CQ Magazine.
> What I saw, I just did not get it...
> I worked 883 QSO's - got confirmed 857  - lost 26 Q's or 3%
> I worked 104 Zones - got confirmed 99 Zones - lost 5 Zones or 4.9%
> I worked 294 Countries - got confirmed 285 Countries - lost 9 Countries or
> 3%
> So: I lost 26 QSO's and 14 Mults. Or I lost 3% of QSO's and 3.9% of Mults.
> OK
> My Claimed Score was: 874,160 points and Official result is: 743,808.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That means: I lost 130,352 points or 14.9 percents!?
> For 3 percents of lost QSO's and 3.9 percents of lost Mults I lost
> 14.9percents of points?? How nice...
> Strange Mathematic, Guys... I dont get it, sorry...
> But whatever... The Judge is always right. (something like that I heard)
> I never before even thought to analize all these numbers, feel just sorry
> that I opened my eyes at this time...
> Really sorry for this long story...

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