[CQ-Contest] new antenna at NQ4I

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Mon Sep 17 10:44:33 EDT 2007

CQ Contest de NQ4I....a new antenna went up over the weekend at NQ4I...it's
an 8 el 86 foot boom 20 meter yagi...details are at www.nq4i.com
I will be doing a series of evaluations with the 8 el and the 5/5 stacks in
the next week or so...I still have to install the hardline to the new 8 el
yagi...right now it has over 700 feet of RG213 coax from the top of the
tower to the shack...this week, I plan to install the hardline and re-gain
nearly 4 db of coax loss...listen for me on 20m this week...de Rick nq4i

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