[CQ-Contest] TQP vs CQ RTTY

Steve Harrison k0xp at dandy.net
Sun Sep 30 21:39:48 EDT 2007

At 12:41 AM 10/1/2007 -0000, Randy Thompson wrote:
>The CQWW RTTY Contest has truly become a major event on par with the Phone
>and CW versions.  Activity is growing every year.
>I suggest the TQP think about moving to a different weekend!  I would love
>to work them, but the RTTY contest is more fun.

It would be far better and easier for all concerned if the rattiers simply
stayed up the band as they used to. This would be easy for the ratty
contest sponsors to control: simply list subband limits for their contest
in their rules. Most already prohibit CW Qs in a phone band.

Steve, K0XP

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