[CQ-Contest] Web Poll (Signal reports yes/no)

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 14:47:47 EDT 2008

The problem I have with this stance is that the rules for the contest
require it.  Failure to send one (meaningless or not) means you did not
follow the rules (silly or not).  Don't expect a lot of sympathy if your log
is tossed for failure to follow the rules.

Don't like the rules?  Don't participate.  Want the rules to be different?
Have the contest sponsor change the rules, and then they will (again) be the
same for everyone.

> The acid test of any rule is to publicly break it, then
> invite the authorities to penalise you or to admit the
> rule is no longer in force.
> It is "silly" to adhere to a "rule" that has long lapsed.
> No one gets penalised in WPX for logging an "incorrect"
> RST.  It is not cross-checked, for the simple reason that
> there's nothing of value to check.

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