[CQ-Contest] Improper WPX Exchanges

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Tue Apr 1 23:40:45 EDT 2008


With all due respect...

Once upon a time, I was involved with Scienc Fiction fandom.  (Ask me about
Paracon III!) They have a strict rule when it comes to the costume
competitions at the SciFi conventions and events:  No costume is no costume.

By the same token, while I agree in principle that HOW you send the signal
report may not always be strictly defined, and that different operators may
have different styles... I disagree that silence is a substitute for the
signal report and/or implies the default 59(9) report.  In other words:  No
RS(T) is no RS(T).

The bottom line is that there are no two ways about it.  You've acknowledged
that you know the WPX rules call for an exchange that included a signal
report.  You chose not to send one, and did so (that is, did not send one)
on a regular basis.

That you (and/or others) may feel, and possibly with justification, that the
signal report is obsolete, redundant, time wasting, unneccesary, and filled
in by computer software anyway... you may well be correct.  And that is an
issue you need to bring up with CQ Magazine and the CQ WPX Contest
Committee.  But it does not mitigate the fact, pure and simple, that you
didn't follow the rules.

I do not know what consequences this will have.  Some operators appear (or
at least claim) to strictly follow the rules regarding the exchange, and
appear to have decided to remove entries from their log as incomplete for
QSO's that did not include a complete exchange. [And if they do it to you,
they should also do it to anyone else who did the same, but that's another
story] That is one consequence.  The contest committee may or may not take
other actions... that would be another.

This is the risk you assume for taking a stand.

Good luck, and hopefully, I'll work you in the next one.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go deal with a real crisis.  My wife
vs. my mother-in-law vs. her ex-husband vs. my future daughter-in-law & her
mother re: The Wedding Invititations, or, "What Do You Mean You Didn't Order
Enough and Ran Out with 100 Relatives and Friends Left to Invite!?!"  I'm
really wishing the kids had eloped...

73, ron w3wn

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