[CQ-Contest] Last Reminder, GA QSO Party Today and Tomorrow

John T. Laney III k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Sat Apr 12 10:55:00 EDT 2008

Annual GA QSO Party today 18Z to 04Z Sunday and again 14Z to 24Z on 
Sunday.  Exchange RS(T) and State, Province, "DX," or GA county.  We 
hope to have activity from all 159 counties this year.  Many mobiles, 
rovers, portables, and fixed stations.  K4HYB will be M/M from the NQ4I 
contest station.  Last year K5YAA worked 146 counties.  Can someone work 
them all this year?  Special awards for top 5 out of state stations for 
working GA counties regardless of mode.  Plaques and certificates for 
HP, LP, and QRP and for CW, Phone, and Mixed.  Awards for top in-state 
and out-of-state clubs.   RTTY/digital QSOs are same as CW.  Bands are 
160-6M.  Hope everyone will join in as time permits and have a lot of 
fun.  GA has more counties than any other state except for TX.  Counties 
are generally small, so mobiles will change counties often. 

73, John, K4BAI - for SECC and SEDXC, sponsors GQP.

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