[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Kerr, Prof. K.M. k.kerr at abdn.ac.uk
Tue Apr 22 13:22:32 EDT 2008

I have been following this skimmer debate on and off for some time with
an increasing feeling of horror and dismay. I haven't had the time or
desire to interject but this is a short post.

Surely, surely Dink is correct? An overwhelming temptation to cheat,
like difficulties in policing rules, shouldn't be reasons for allowing
skimmers, clusters or other technologies that 'find' stations for the
operator, to be allowed in an unassisted category.

Maybe there was a reaction and I missed it since I don't read all the
stuff fully but, someone observed that a skimmer-based automated station
(if I read it correctly) would have placed 5th in some recent contest.
Alarm bells in my head!! I accept this is probably clever technology. So
is the internal combustion engine, but it ain't allowed in a bicycle

Keith GM4YXI

> Take Sweepstakes and CQWW as examples.  The most prestigious category,

> by far, is single-op unassisted.  If CW Skimmer is banned in this 
> category, the temptation to cheat will be almost overwhelming.  In SS,

> 50 additional QSOs over the last 12 hours can make the difference 
> between finishing fifth or first.  In CQWW, an extra 75-100 
> multipliers would be a similarly huge advantage.
Personally I would expect a higher standard of behavior from those who
can TRULY aspire to the top ten and while they may certainly have a
willingness to push to the limits within the rules, not a step beyond...

1) if the skimmer is allowed, they will use it
2) if the skimmer is not allowed, they won't

for a TRUE competitor, temptation has nothing to do with, just the rules
.... but then, I'm just naive.  (and don't burst my bubble :>)

dink, n7wa

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