[CQ-Contest] Antenna Expert L. B. Cebik, W4RNL (SK)

Jim Breakall jimb at psu.edu
Wed Apr 23 00:51:18 EDT 2008

It is with great sadness that I just read about the passing of L. B. 
Cebik, W4RNL, one
of the most prolific and well versed antenna modelers of all 
time.  Here is the link on ARRL.org:


I have known L.B. for many years with his association with Nittany 
Scientific, a company
started by some of my students from Penn State year ago, who produced 
graphical versions of
the various NEC antenna modeling software tools.  L.B. was the 
technical support consultant
for this company for several years and wrote very excellent tutorial 
manuals for general and
specific antenna modeling, invaluable to all who have read his writings.

As many know, he had a wealth of antenna and antenna modeling 
information on his website
<http://www.cebik.com>www.cebik.com  that is remarkable in its depth 
and coverage of all types of antennas
and results from modeling.  This is even more remarkable when you 
consider that L.B. was not
trained or educated formally in antennas, but learning and explored 
these subjects on his own.
His voluminous quantity of writings on antenna subjects may never be 
equaled, and we all owe him
a tremendous debt of gratitude for what he has done for amateur radio 
and the field of antennas.

L. B. was a very kind and soft-spoken person and always was 
invigorating to talk to about antennas
and modeling.  I will never forget him and his kindness that he 
always showed and his
very strong persistence to explain everything and obtain so much 
information about any antenna that
he tackled.

He will be tremendously missed and it was an extreme pleasure to know 
him and have him as a friend.

My condolences to his family, and his writings and results will 
always be something to treasure,
and he must have been very proud of his achievements.

Rest in peace L.B.

Jim Breakall, WA3FET, K3CR, WP3R

James K. Breakall
Professor, Electrical Engineering

225 Electrical Engineering East
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

Tel: 814-865-2228
Fax: 814-863-8457
Cell: 814-883-6521

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