[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Jukka Klemola jukka.klemola at elisanet.fi
Wed Apr 23 00:51:31 EDT 2008


>> If I replaced the word skimmer with packet in your argument, 
>> then all the same issues would be true. 
>If you replace "skimmer" with "packet" one has an entirely 
>different situation.  With packet the information is coming 
>from another OPERATOR and that, by definition, should place 
>one in the multi-op category.  The "assisted" category has 
>been an attempt to avoid making those who choose to use packet 
>compete with the multi-operator stations.  
>No matter ho you feel about the technology, the use of skimmer 
>does not change the most fundamental "one operator performing 
>all functions" nature of the single operator entry and more 
>than memory keyers, voice keyers or computer logging (with 
>SCP, dupe checking, etc.) changed the fundamental nature of the 
>category.  With Skimmer the operator must still tune the radio, 
>listen/verify the call, send the exchange and log the QSO just 
>as any other single operator. 
>Will skimmer change the way some people operate a CW contest? 
>Of course.  Could it change the "competitive balance" and allow 
>operators in areas that are not geographically favored to be 
>more competitive by finding more multipliers?  Certainly.  
>   ... Joe, W4TV 

Please realise the SCP files most of us use in good faith, are in real
life getting  assistance from other operators by the help of the
computer and the SCP database that gets input from hundreds of stations.

Nevertheless I find myself voting for SCP!

All that started years and years ago when some people established their
own lists of valid callsigns and showed at least in Finnish contest
forums what they have done and how they felt that produced to their
It was clearly told to contesting averagejoes as being a group effort
and that callsign listing was asked to be challenging the nature of
single op.

But where do we draw the line?

Skimmer is just another digital radio receiver, targeted to make our
lives easier.
As a development step to what Joe wrote, I believe in future we will get
a verification from Skimmer to what we claim we logged.
A normal human stops logging at S/N 4 dB level.
Skimmer will continue logging to S/N minus 9dB at the current normal CW
speeds, less than 35WPM.

When S/N is above 10dB, Skimmer can log at 120WPM or so and log
definitely more than one station per over.

That is where we are going towards.

This solar maximum on CW there is no human comparison to a computer.

The thing we do not know yet is will computers master the SSB during the
next maximum after 2020?

Jukka OH6LI

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