[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 10:42:29 EDT 2008

> Skimmer technology will change contesting just as the 
> memory keyer, DVK and computer logging have changed 
> contesting. However, the technology horse is out of 
> the barn and half way to town - unless you are willing 
> to "ban" all technology to the assisted category, a 
> precedent has already been set that says technology 
> is fine as long as it does not involve another operator 
> during the contest. 

There are no technology differences between the single op unassisted and single
op assisted categories with one exception: the delivery of callsigns and
frequencies from an outside source as used in the assisted category.  Whether
that happens via packet radio/net connection or via a piece of computer
software connected to a receiver is irrelevant.   

Scott W4PA

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