[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Wed Apr 23 12:04:27 EDT 2008

> That is so funny. You know that skimmer copies all the calls 
> in the receivers' band pass and displays all of the calls to 
> the operator without him doing anything aside from looking at 
> the computer screen.

So, have you looked at Skimmer output data?  I'd like to hear 
half the rare multipliers that show up in the data from Pete's 
skimmer (P5, E4, 1S, etc.).  The operator STILL needs to copy 
the correct call, make the QSO, log the QSO correctly, etc. 

I'm tired of this pervasive "not invented here" syndrome when it 
comes to technology.  If you use a memory keyer (assisted sending), 
computer logging (assisted logging), a single/five/seven channel 
CW decoder (WriteLog - assisted receiving), a panadapter (spotting 
assistance), shared history files and SCP, etc. it's OK.  However, 
add a new technology that does not involve another operator, suddenly 
it's cheating?  Bull!  That's hypocrisy and hubris of the highest 

This "I've got mine - I don't want you to have yours" attitude 
has got to end in contesting.  The simple rule is: "does this 
involve an other operator?"  If it does not involve another 
operator - either in the same shack or remotely via Packet/telnet 
- then it is and should be within the rules.

If you want to limit technology, limit all of it, including 
memory keyers, computer logging, history files, SCP, antennas 
with elements totaling more than 1/2 wave and higher than 15 
meters (50').  Otherwise, stop trying to pick and choose the 
technology.  Competition will weed out those technologies that 
are not worthwhile those that are not worthwhile will fade those 
that are effective will thrive just as technology has evolved 
over more than 50 years. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Robert Naumann
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:44 PM
> To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer
> That Joe! What a card! It's April 22 - not April 1st!
> You said: "With Skimmer the operator must still tune the 
> radio, listen/verify the call, send the exchange and log the QSO just 
> as any other single operator".
> That is so funny. You know that skimmer copies all the calls 
> in the receivers' band pass and displays all of the calls to 
> the operator without him doing anything aside from looking at 
> the computer screen.
> I am ROTFL! Thanks Joe - that's a hot one! 
> 73,
> Bob W5OV
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe 
> Subich, W4TV
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:22 AM
> To: 'Randy Thompson'; 'Pete Smith'; CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer
> Randy, 
> > If I replaced the word skimmer with packet in your argument,
> > then all the same issues would be true. 
> If you replace "skimmer" with "packet" one has an entirely 
> different situation.  With packet the information is coming 
> from another OPERATOR and that, by definition, should place 
> one in the multi-op category.  The "assisted" category has 
> been an attempt to avoid making those who choose to use packet 
> compete with the multi-operator stations.  
> No matter ho you feel about the technology, the use of skimmer 
> does not change the most fundamental "one operator performing 
> all functions" nature of the single operator entry and more 
> than memory keyers, voice keyers or computer logging (with 
> SCP, dupe checking, etc.) changed the fundamental nature of the 
> category.  With Skimmer the operator must still tune the radio, 
> listen/verify the call, send the exchange and log the QSO just 
> as any other single operator. 
> Will skimmer change the way some people operate a CW contest? 
> Of course.  Could it change the "competitive balance" and allow 
> operators in areas that are not geographically favored to be 
> more competitive by finding more multipliers?  Certainly.  
> Technology always creates winners and losers. The early users 
> of CW wheels (mechanical memory keyers) and tape loops (early 
> voice keyers) had an advantage over mere mortals who did not 
> have the technology but there was no thought to creating an 
> "assisted" class or serious effort to band the technology. 
> Any attempt to marginalize skimmer by forcing its users into 
> as "assisted" category is nothing more than a petty attempt 
> by the elite and those who benefit from favored locations to 
> maintain the status quo and deny otherwise top operators a tool 
> that might give them a compensating advantage. 
> 73, 
>    ... Joe, W4TV 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> > [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
> Randy Thompson
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:21 AM
> > To: 'Pete Smith'; CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> > Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer
> > 
> > 
> > If I replaced the word skimmer with packet in your argument,
> > then all the same issues would be true.  If we are going to 
> > make categories based on cheating potential, then the only 
> > option appears to be combining all the single op categories 
> > into one.  Anything goes.
> > 
> > That would be sad for those of us who really enjoy the
> > "classic" definition of single operator.
> > 
> > I believe use of skimmer should put you in assisted.
> > Anything that gives you calls and frequencies (and did not 
> > come from your own knob twisting and
> > ears) is assisting you in your operation and providing an advantage.
> > 
> > Randy, K5ZD
> > 
> > PS - For people who are honorable, the temptation to cheat is
> > easily overcome.
> >  
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> > > [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Pete Smith
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:01 AM
> > > To: CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> > > Subject: [CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer
> > > 
> > > In this week's radio-sport.net newsletter, there is an excellent 
> > > article on the current deliberations about how to handle 
> CW Skimmer 
> > > in contest rules (http://www.radio-sport.net/skimmer1.htm).  
> > > According to the article, ARRL and CQ rule-makers are in contact, 
> > > and are leaning toward putting Skimmer in the Assisted category.
> > > 
> > > I can appreciate their dilemma, but hope that they will think 
> > > carefully about this.  I am posting this here because I 
> don't know 
> > > who to write, specifically, but I know it is likely they 
> will read 
> > > it here.
> > > 
> > > Take Sweepstakes and CQWW as examples.  The most prestigious 
> > > category, by far, is single-op unassisted.  If CW Skimmer 
> is banned 
> > > in this category, the temptation to cheat will be almost 
> > > overwhelming.  In SS, 50 additional QSOs over the last 12 
> hours can 
> > > make the difference between finishing fifth or first.  In 
> CQWW, an 
> > > extra 75-100 multipliers would be a similarly huge advantage.
> > > 
> > > The problem is that it will be almost impossible to detect a 
> > > decisive level of cheating.  The statistical methods used 
> to detect 
> > > packet cheaters simply won't work.
> > > 
> > > In SS, I would use Skimmer to fill the bandmaps (in my contest 
> > > logger) for all the bands that are open at my QTH.
> > > Then I would choose the one with the most activity, and go 
> > > either from the bottom down or the top up, working the 
> > > stations on the bandmap with my second radio.  The pattern of 
> > > operation this would produce, for any log-based analysis, 
> > > would be indistinguishable from what a good unassisted 
> > > single-op would do.
> > > 
> > > CQWW would be a little trickier, because of the importance of 
> > > multipliers.  A covert Skimmer user would have to be 
> careful not to 
> > > be too quick to grab multipliers as soon as they are 
> first skimmed, 
> > > particularly if it produces a pattern of band changes versus new 
> > > mults that will show a "supernatural" ability to know when a new 
> > > mult shows up on a given band.
> > > Again, the secret would probably be to change to a given band 
> > > and work your way up or down the bandmap in a way that mimics 
> > > how a non-Skimmer op would do it.
> > > 
> > > I can hear some people reacting now - "Ooooh, he's telling people 
> > > how to cheat."  C'mon, guys, I'm not the sharpest blade in the 
> > > drawer, and certainly not the most accomplished, motivated or 
> > > ingenious contester.  Anything I can think of is probably being 
> > > mulled over by others right now, as we wait for the rule-makers' 
> > > decision(s). I just hope they won't make a decision that 
> makes the 
> > > cheating problem worse.
> > > 
> > > 73, Pete N4ZR
> > > "If Skimmers are outlawed, only outlaws will have Skimmers"
> > > 
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