[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Jamie Dupree ns3t at arrl.net
Thu Apr 24 22:09:55 EDT 2008

Well, I had no idea that writing one update story about
forging new rules to deal with the Skimmer would prompt 
such a firestorm of comments this week.....

Now as for those ops who read this reflector - AND are
also working on a Skimmer rule for the ARRL and CQWW -
why don't you drop me a line about your work.  Let's
move this story down the field a little.

Unfortunately, one thing is missing this week - and
that is no one has cut through the Skimmer QRM to 
remind everyone that the Florida QSO Party is this
weekend.  http://www.radio-sport.net/fqp08_pre.htm

Also, I'm looking for photos of you big shot contesters
who don't use CW decoders for my web site spotlight.  
Please take a minute between your email flames to 
send me one of you in front of your radios.

73 Jamie NS3T
Your home for ham radio contest news

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