[CQ-Contest] Rule Change Debate on Skimmer

Rudy Bakalov r_bakalov at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 25 11:47:48 EDT 2008

Perhaps it is time to consider the need for the Assisted category all together in respect to technology. Ham Radio, and contesting in particular, has always been a hobby focused on making the most out of technology and science.  The trend will only continue to accelerate and assistance will become more pervasive. Do we really want to be stuck in the past and wonder where the young amateurs are?
  And then, where do we draw the line of assistance- any type of station automation is one form of assistance or another and limiting the definition of who produces a call sign is ignoring all other factors that make the station/operator competitive or not.
  As long as it is not robots making the QSO and station transmitter/receiver are not scattered across the globe, let the humans use as much technology as they can.
  Rudy N2WQ

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