[CQ-Contest] Technology for Contest Benefit, rather than Operator Assistance....

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Tue Apr 29 12:51:24 EDT 2008

Imagine scoring in real-time -- not score reporting, but QSO and score
Results published at the END of the contest, not six months later.

Possible?  Absoutely!!  Participants simply need an internet
connection -- even a slow one.

Amazon.com has a service called Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service.
(http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html?node=16427261)This is cloud
computing.  Massive processing power and unlimited data storage with
Worldwide access, at very cheap prices.

To store and compute the results of an entire CQWW Contest will cost
way less than $100!  (Amazing!)

It would be fairy simple to provide a highly secure (encrypted)
interface to the storage service and allow this interface to be called
by existing contest programs.

Those not having realtime internet access would submit logs via email
(however, this would slow down the actual "reporting" end of the

Interested in putting something together? Email me or see me in Dayton
and we will make it happen!

73, Gerry W1VE

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