[CQ-Contest] State QSO parties and CW

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Wed Apr 30 12:43:14 EDT 2008

I think the extra point is a factor but CW is the prefered mode to snag 
mobiles in QSO parties because of the condx. Much easier to work the roving 
mobiles on Cw than on SSB plus they tend to work CW a bit more than SSB 
(condx allowing). I know the times I have operated in OQP as a mobile SSB 
was a bust after only a few minutes on the band where rates would hold up 
for a least 20-30 minutes on CW.

But then again -there are those points!!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Geiger" <n5ten at yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] State QSO parties and CW

> The Florida QSO party this past weekend reminded me of
> something I have observed for the past few years.
> With the exception of maybe the California QSO party,
> there seems to be much more CW than SSB activity for
> state QSO parties.
> I am not complaining as I like CW contests and just
> tolerate SSB contests, but why is this?  It seems that
> SSB would be easier to run while mobile.
> Does the extra points that CW QSOs score relative to
> SSB QSOs make everyone stick with CW?
> 73s John AA5JG
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