[CQ-Contest] Skimmer Contest
David Kopacz
david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com
Wed Apr 30 12:44:49 EDT 2008
Simply create a new contest altogether. Call it the International DX
Skimmer Contest. It can be held every fourth Wednesday of the month to
experience varying propagation changes throughout the year while not
ticking off the folks that want to rag chew on weekends.
Objective: For amateurs around the world to receive as many stations as
possible. May receive a single call sign only once per band per 24 hours
GMT. Calls busted by Skimmer automatically count as a unique call sign.
Bands: WARC Bands Only
Mode: Automated CW Only. Ear assistance of any kind is prohibited
Power: Unlimited. Defined as much as your antenna can handle without
getting caught by the authorities, although the points system is
structured to encourage low power transmissions.
Categories: All station may transmit on as many bands simultaneously as
they wish.
A: Single Band Skimmer. One skimmer does all the receiving on one band
at a time. May change bands only after skimming an entire band twice.
B: Dual Band Skimmer. Two skimmers may receive signals on two bands
simultaneously. May change bands only after skimming an entire band
C: Single All Band Skimmer. One skimmer permitted per band.
D: Multi All Band Skimmer. Multiple skimmers permitted per band with
antennas pointed in multiple directions.
Exchange: No exchange is necessary, just send your call sign repeatedly
on as many bands as possible and hope a lot of skimmers hear you.
Points: One point is scored for each time you transmit your call sign
above 100 watts. Two points for each time you transmit your call sign at
100 watts or below. Three points for each time you transmit your call
sign at 5 watts or less. One point per skimmer signal received that is
over 59, Two points per skimmer signal between S5 and S9. Three points
per signal that is under S5. Signal strengths are determined solely by
Skimmer. Point system encourages working QRP stations.
A: One multiplier for each country on each band
B: One multiplier for each zone
C: One multiplier for each prefix
D: One multiplier for each time a skimmer spots you on the cluster
Scoring: The final score is calculated by multiplying the total points
by the total multipliers.
Awards: All awards go to the developer of Skimmer
David ~ KY1V
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