[CQ-Contest] New England QSO Party this weekend

Tom Frenaye frenaye at pcnet.com
Wed Apr 30 18:31:56 EDT 2008

Planning for the New England QSO Party is almost complete.  We have at least ten and maybe more than a dozen mobiles planning to scatter out across the six states - plus a large number of home stations.

Please join us for the 7th NEQP this weekend.  Certificates for entries with 25 or more QSOs.  More than 30 plaques available.  Special awards for top scorers - lobster, ice cream and maple syrup...

Brief NEQP rules summary for non-New England stations:
  (full rules --> http://www.neqp.org/rules.html)

When?             May 3rd 20z until May 4th at 05z, then May 4th from 13z until 24z
Bands?            80-10m  
Modes?           SSB CW (digital modes count as CW)
Categories?     single op QRP/LP/HP, mobile, multi-op
Exchange?      signal report and state (state-county if in W1)
QSO Points?   one for SSB and two for CW/digital QSOs
Multiplier?       67 New England counties
Score?            points x total counties

As K4XU noted for the 7QP, there are other "contests this weekend and we make it EASY - send us your complete log, no need to sort your non-counting contacts, in ANY clear text electronic format, and we will score it for you."  [Of course, Cabrillo format is preferred]

For past results, records, county lists and maps, and other information, check out the NEQP web site at http://www.neqp.org/

Did some say it was a Win-Win-Win event?  Windham County CT, Windham County NH, Windham County VT...

           73 Tom/K1KI

New England QSO Party - http://www.neqp.org - May 3-4, 2008 

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