[CQ-Contest] Fills and repeats

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Mon Aug 11 12:28:34 EDT 2008

I've tried several methods for targeted fills but have never found one that
works very well.  I think a lot of casual guys just have one memory set up
for the exchange.  They don't want to risk botching the number sending it my
hand.  Also, they may not realize they can hear you better (HP) than you can
hear them (LP).   I just keep sending "NR".  

Too bad the old traffic handling abbreviations aren't widely known.  (AA=all
after, BN=between, etc.)  

Robert K5PI

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Rowland.Archer at gxs.com
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 10:18 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fills and repeats

Hi folks,

While asking for "nr nr" over and over this weekend on WAE CW, it occurred
to me that I didn't know any "standard" practice for asking for the JUST
that one digit or letter I'm missing.  Nothing more frustrating than
something like this sequence:

You:  K4XD ur 5NN 3<QRN>9
Me:  NR NR?
You:  5NN 3<fade>9, 3<static crash>
Me:  AGN NR?
You:  NR 5NN 3<fade>
Me:   3?9 3?9
You:  ur 5NN 3<crash>9 5NN 3<fade>

You get the picture.  I keep hearing the stuff I don't need, and not hearing
that one bit of information I'm lacking.  Only once this weekend did I hear
someone try to specify the single digit he was missing -- he sent "NR 3 NR
3?" to indicate he was missing the 3rd digit.

I would think sending 3?9 would indicate "please just send the number
between 3 and 9" but it seldom works, people resend the whole sequence most
of the time, or send 5NN very slowly just in case I missed that part!  It is
frustrating to hear the parts you already know coming through clearly,
knowing you would have the missing info if they were sending that instead of
what you already copied.

Any advice from the brain trust? (Besides better antennas!)

Rowland K4XD

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