[CQ-Contest] Angle of received signal QUERY

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 14:22:34 EDT 2008

There's no easy answer to this. I went through the same exercise before I bought 
this QTH.

Just some more questions:

- What direction is the hill ? Is it an important contest direction that you 
would expect low-angle signals to come from, such as Europe or Japan ? Or is it 
toward VP6 ? Or is it towards the USA, where signals would (probably) come in at 
an angle above 5 degrees ?

- Is your antenna at a height that it will have any significant radiation below 
5 degrees ?

Personally, I set the bar at 3 degrees. I think that 5.8 degrees is too high in 
a critical direction (EU, JA). There will be some (but not all) openings where 
signals may arrive below that angle.

Steve, N2IC

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tony Rogozinski" <trogo at telegraphy.com>

> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Angle of received signal QUERY
>> I am trying to determine what would be the lowest angle
>>from which one could
>> expect
>> to receive DX signals?  It seems that at one time I read 5
>> degrees but I've
>> done some
>> research and can't find the answer so far.
>> I am looking at a QTH here in Colombia that in one
>> important direction has a
>> hill about
>> 330' higher than would be my antenna.  That hill is 1KM or
>> 3,250' away from
>> the antenna.
>> Using right triangle calculations the angle between my
>> antenna and the top
>> of the hill
>> would be about 5.8 degrees.  I'm concerned that the hill
>> would have some
>> affect on
>> long haul signal reception.    Should I be concerned????
>> Otherwise the
>> location is
>> fabulous.
>> Tony   W4OI/HK7AR
>> Tony Rogozinski - Too many calls to count, and who cares ?

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