[CQ-Contest] Top Ten scores & 3830 postings?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Sun Aug 31 08:45:34 EDT 2008

Georgens, Tom wrote:
> I think it is unfair to question the accuracy or integrity of a log
> solely because the results are not posted on 3830.  However, I do
> consider it a breach of contest etiquette.  With the long lead-time to
> published results, 3830 has greatly facilitated the ability to get rapid
> feedback on one's performance, albeit preliminary.  To not post one's
> score should not diminish a competitor's accomplishment, however, it is
> a dis-service to rest of the competitors and reflects poorly on the
> individual
> 73, Tom W2SC   

I think I am at least partially "to blame" for some people not posting scores to 
3830. A few years ago, I posted to CQ-Contest comparing 3830-posted scores to 
the final results. Based on the e-mail I received, some folks didn't like their 
score reduction (or category reclassification) being made so public.

I would like to see the log submission robot make its own claimed score 
calculation, and that score posted to the "logs submitted" web site. Surely, 
that wouldn't be a difficult add-on to the robot processing.

Steve, N2IC

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