[CQ-Contest] QSO Acknowledgement

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Tue Dec 2 13:54:23 EST 2008

While making S&P passes across the band in the contest this last weekend 
there were several DX stations who simply gave their callsign again at 
the end of a contact ... no TU, no "dit dit" or other common 

Dumb idea. 

If signals were weak or there was lots of QRM, it was impossible to know 
if the DX station had actually logged the contact or simply given up on 
it, especially if he had already asked for a fill.  When that happened 
and I couldn't raise the DX quickly again through the pileup to verify, 
I simply didn't log him and moved on.  Beats me why anyone would risk 
lots of NILs and the resulting loss of points just to save a few 
milliseconds, especially when sending their callsign at the end of every 
other contact would have accomplished the same thing or more.

Dave   AB7E

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