[CQ-Contest] The contest is over

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 10:49:35 EST 2008

It's those unusual prefixes that throw people sometimes, when they are
unexpected.  I knew 5K0T was active from Serrana Bank and was excited to see
they were actually in the contest.  I did hear them sending 6 dits for the
"5" sometimes; I guess that might have been their way of trying to make sure
people logged "5". Must've wreaked havoc on the code reading machines,

I worked 3X5A who was sending "3X5AUP" without a break between the A and the
UP. I didn't know of the station ahead of time and sent my report "3X5AUP
5NN 4" and then he sent "TU 3X5A (long pause) UP". Interestingly, I worked
him on his frequency.

73, Zack W9SZ
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:48 AM, Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net>wrote:

> EZ4EBL and HK0T are two calls that have been discussed on the reflector in
> the past days.  People were more than happy to point out these calls were
> incorrect and what the correct call was.  I was very disappointed and
> concerned by that.

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