[CQ-Contest] Sending the other guys call

W6SX Hank Garretson w6sx at npgcable.com
Sun Dec 7 11:29:34 EST 2008

Good Morning Tree,

As I read your synopsis, whether the W8 was working you or not, the 
more fundamental problem is that YOU never got an acknowledgement 
that he received your exchange correctly.  If he "had just sent my 
call once," you would have known he was trying to work you, but you 
still wouldn't know if you had a completed QSO.  If it were my log, 
he'd get a NIL.


Hank, W6SX

Mammoth Lakes, California

Elevation 8083 feet in John Muir's Range of Light

At 03:20 PM 06 12 2008, Tree wrote:

>Here I am in the ARRL 160 - about an hour before sunset.  I am CQing
>and a station answers me...  right in the middle of my passband...
>They are in the W8 call area.  They come back after a slight delay
>(maybe a half second) and send their exchange - then ask me for my
>QTH.  I send it a few times - and then hear nothing....
>Did they get it?
>Were they calling me?
>Do I leave it in the log and possibly get a NIL?  Do I take it out and
>remove a good QSO - and give him a NIL?
>If they had just sent my call once - I would have known that they are
>working me.

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