[CQ-Contest] CQ contests results

Sandy Taylor ve4xt at mts.net
Fri Dec 12 09:04:11 EST 2008

David J. Sourdis wrote:

>Given that now we have computers, a Robot server to which we can send our
logs, software to cross check and verify all data and calculate or
recalculate the scores of all logs received. Why we still have to wait
eleven months to know the definitive results?

Because, computers or not, the process still takes time and is still
completed on volunteer time by people who have jobs, kids, sports practices,
games, recitals and other life activities that must take precedence.

Constantly slagging volunteers for taking too long is a good way to lose
volunteers. And then where are we?

I, for one, say a hearty thank you to the volunteers who donate their time
so generously. Keep it up and please, ignore the flames. They do not
represent the entire community.

73, Kelly

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