[CQ-Contest] QSL Printing WAS

Tom Taormina Tom at k5rc.cc
Sat Feb 2 14:40:15 EST 2008

Just got this note from UX5UO. He does a very good job (and very
inexpensive) printing of my QSL's for the last few years. I have no interest
in his business, just passing this along.


Design/print of QSL cards is my side job and a hobby also.

This moment 48 USA states cards are printed already.

Missing states are South Dakota and Wyoming.

If you have friends in this states please offer them this service. My
cherish dream is to obtain WAS (really PAS - Printed All States) award in
this nomination.

    Thank you, Gennady UX5UO  DXCC HR#1 etc.



Tom Taormina, K5RC
Virginia City NV
 <http://www.k5rc.cc> www.k5rc.cc

FOC 1760


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