[CQ-Contest] Skimmer and the paradox of the desire for fairness
k3bu at optonline.net
k3bu at optonline.net
Thu Feb 7 19:07:38 PST 2008
> When I was tipped of the Skimmer existence, I sent a memo to
> friends saying
> - this is the end of CW Contesting as we have known. CW
> Contesting will be a
> different game in the future.
> José Nunes
> CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
Just like spark transmitter and hand key used to be.....
Lets hold the barefoot marathoner etc analogy...
Ham radio Contesting is a TECHNICAL SPORT involving operator and technology - gadgets, equipment, it's assembly and effective usage.
The idea is to assemble the mother of all stations, operated by hot shot operator, using his skills and knowledge to achieve maximum score within the rules and categories.
Single operator is just that, one person, his brain, hands, feet, ears, eyes, time spent in the chair (or standing), using the arsenal either assembled by himself or "drive in" setup by someone else with mo'money. So the idea is to get the best technology that operator can master, be it keyer, computer, 7 radios or skimmer, swimmer or spinner, whatever... That is what we admire and learn from, to get better.
Don't mix that with assistance by OTHER operator(s) via packet, internet, chat, telephone, ESP, whatever. That is Assisted or multi, whatever.
So maybe skimmer will beat the heck out of packet cheaters, it will ID what YOU are hearing and no need to line up for packet "service" of broken calls with endless roar of packeteers.
Jus' wondering, if packet is soooo good, advantageous, why aren't top scores made by SOAs? Maybe because they waste time in the packet pileups and maybe SO's great antennas and equipment work the stuff before packeteers get to it?
I enjoyed SDR1000 "assistance" in watching the band, and simply clicking on the signal and tuning to it to see who it is or what the pileup is about. Skimmer will be welcome tool in the tech arsenal that we can master and have more fun (working lousy 300 QSO in CQ WW on 160 :-). It is us, our technology for next 48 hours to show how well we master it and what score we can pile.
The idea is to push the technology and how we can master it to beat the competition.
All this under discriminatory contest rules, where one can not work his own country for points. Real time reporting, packet will not bring new blood. What will work, is to the more fair scoring system, allowing more QSO/points - more fun. Just look at Eu, they make (in CQ WW)some 1900 QSOs on low bands while big gun US stations can "master" all of some 300. Contesting in EU is growing under more restricting conditions, while US is being penalized for being big country and bunch of ZERO pointers.
So the idea of zilion categories to suit particular tribander/wire is fine for the "special olympics" people. Those who can master the best of technology and operate it to beat the competition or set new record are the real NASCARians. Take it to SA or Af and your are invincible (thanks to loopsided rules).
Back to my inverted Veeee in a treeee.
73 Yuri, K3BU.us
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