[CQ-Contest] Quads and SO2R

Leigh S. Jones, KR6X kr6x at kr6x.com
Wed Feb 13 21:35:06 EST 2008

I participated in a phone multi-multi operation in my youth using
a triband quad with separate feedlines.  Rather than proper filters,
we were using coaxial stubs. There was also a very nice looking
army surplus low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of about 21
MHz for 20 M.  Sadly, 20 M still got a lot of garbage from the
other two bands, and 15 M had a little bit of trouble from 10 M.
The feedlines were equipped with baluns -- air wound trifilar 1:1
baluns as I recall -- and though they were dressed down the
boom together, after going through the turning loop at the bottom
of the mast they fanned out to reduce coupling.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alfred Frugoli" <ke1fo at arrl.net>
To: "CQcontest Reflector" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:31 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Quads and SO2R

> Hello fellow contesters,
> In the recent NCJ article by K0SR about Quad construction, he mentions 
> that
> the best way to feed a quad is to feed each band independently and use a
> switch mounted on the mast to select bands.  Has anybody used a triband 
> quad
> on 2 bands simultaneously (obviously with proper filtering)?
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