[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest and 2 kw

Michael Keane K1MK k1mk at alum.mit.edu
Mon Feb 18 11:09:45 EST 2008

At 05:46 PM 2/17/2008, Sandy Taylor wrote:
>Hi all,
>Well, it certainly is interesting that a European station was sending 2k for
>a power, especially considering that the rules stipulate that power must not
>exceed 1500 watts PEP or the maximum allowed by your country, whichever is
>So for countries with higher power output than allowed by the U.S., 1500
>watts is still the max.
>Be interesting to see how / if this shakes out.

OTOH, if one rounds 1.5 KW do you end up with 1K or 2K?

Mike K1MK

Michael Keane K1MK
k1mk at alum.mit.edu

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