[CQ-Contest] [DX-IS] 4U1UN on 80m

k8gt at mi.rr.com k8gt at mi.rr.com
Mon Feb 18 12:19:47 EST 2008

Got 4U1UN on 160, for a new one, but nowhere else.  No Q's of any type on 10, but got several stations on 5 bands, including VP6DX.  That amazed me with my wimpy antennas.  The ops at VP6DX are top notch, they stay with a station until they get his call and exchange correct or until that station gives up, no matter the QRM or QRN.  On 160 VP6DX was complaining about the QRN, yet they heard me through it and hung in there until they had all the info.  TNX guys!

73, Gerry  K8GT

---- Zack Widup <w9sz at prairienet.org> wrote: 


I never heard 4U1UN on any band. :-(

I did work VP6DX on 20 and 15.  Both times no pileup, first call simplex.
I have a feeling thry are going to be begging for QSO's in another week.

Africa was surprisingly absent in this one.  I worked a lot of Europe, 
Central and South America on 40, 20 and 15.  A few ZL's.  The only African 
station I worked was D4C.

73, Zack W9SZ

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